Race Track Nature Preserve
Field Guides to the Nature Preserve
The Race Track, a 21-acre flat land owned by the Village of Tuxedo Park, was built in 1887 as a polo field. The site of the Tuxedo Park horse racing tack until 1941, it was then abandoned and eventually became an unsightly dumping ground for tree refuse.
In 2016, the Village Board of Trustees granted permission to TPTAB to transform the area into a nature preserve. This transformation project, under the guidance of natural landscape specialist Larry Weaner Landscape Associates, is expected to take about five years and is funded entirely by donations.
The restoration work involves eliminating in stages the invasive plants to make way for the planting of a meadow of native grasses and flowers surrounded by a perimeter of healthy trees and native shrubs. The invigorated habitat will offer a sanctuary to a wide array of flora and fauna which already live there or use it during migration. Walking paths will facilitate enjoyment by residents.
+ Race Track Nature Preserve Stewards
Restoration work at the Race Track Nature Preserve has been made possible by the generous donations of the Founding Stewards, Meadow Stewards, and Steeplechase Stewards, residents who care about conserving the environmental health, biodiversity and rustic beauty of our Village to benefit generations to come.
Sustaining Stewards (list in formation)
The McGrath Family✦ Barbara and Peter Regna✦ Stefanie Rinza and Carlton Hobbs
Steeplechase Stewards 2022
Cole Harrell and Tai-Heng Cheng ✦ Jeannie Heffernan and Alan McHugh ✦ Charles Myers and Family ✦ Neal and Linda Strohmeyer ✦ Suzanne Waltman and Martin Friedman ✦ Ted and Clara Wang ✦ Brownie K. Hempel ✦ The Scherer Family
Meadow Stewards 2018
The Aaron family ✦ Paul Brooke and Kathleen McCarragher ✦ Jennifer and James Cacioppo ✦ Joan Gow ✦ Chiu Yin and Gardiner Hempel ✦ Anne and Sean Madden ✦ The Mahan family ✦ Carol and Benjamin Monderer ✦ The Nicholson family ✦ Felix Nunes Sanchez ✦ Julia and Jeff Simet ✦ Claudia and Carey Turnbull ✦ Clara and Ted Wang
Founding Stewards 2017
Laurie and Greg Beard ✦ Lois and Tony Blumka ✦ Anne and Mark Brennan ✦ Aileen and Christian Bruner ✦ Michael Bruno and Alexander Jakowec ✦ Elizabeth Cotnoir and Howard Shore ✦ Tamer El-Rayess and Amra Sabic-El-Rayess PhD ✦ Susan and James Goodfellow ✦ Christopher Gow ✦ Mary Graetzer ✦ The Guinchard Family ✦ Chiu Yin and Gardiner Hempel ✦ Peter Hempel and Maria Nunes ✦ The Kilgore Family ✦ Anne and Sean Madden ✦ Merrill and Christopher Mahan ✦ Gina and Michael Martin ✦ Richard J. Massey and Tarra Bandet ✦ Carol and Benjamin Monderer ✦ Sheila and Gary Pompan ✦ Barbara and Peter Regna ✦ William Russell and Robert McQuilkin ✦ May and Philippe Seeman ✦ Mae Shore and Brad Ewing ✦ Julia and Jeff Simet ✦ Paula and Ernie Sink ✦ Dena M. Steele ✦ Trail Maintenance Fund ✦ Clara and Ted Wang
The Stewards are acknowledged on bronze plaques at the Preserve. The Race Track Nature Preserve is a tangible legacy you can pass to your children and grandchildren. Your donation to a public cause is tax deductible.
Please contact Friends of the Race Track Nature Preserve if you wish to support this worthy cause. You can also write your check to "Village of Tuxedo Park," annotate it as "restricted gift to the Race Track Preserve" and send the check to:
Village of Tuxedo Park, Attention: Evelyn Doherty, Clerk & Treasurer, P. O. Box 31, Tuxedo Park, NY 10987
IMPORTANT SAFETY TIPS when visiting the Race Track Nature Preserve. Read more.
Race Track Nature Preserve: why is it important to you?
Have zero impact on your taxes. It will be funded entirely by donations.
A tangible legacy you can pass onto your children and grandchildren.
Provide a beautiful serene place for your family’s enjoyment.
Offer educational opportunities to the children.
Facilitate storm water management for the surrounding hills, roads and properties.
Reinforce the structural integrity of Tuxedo Road and Clubhouse Road embankments.
Improve the quality of our air and quality of the water that feeds into the Ramapo River, a source of drinking water for millions in New York and New Jersey.
Provide a stunning natural vista that epitomizes the picturesque lifestyle of our community.
Help raise our real estate value.